Tuesday, 8 May 2007

The questionnaire

Age? 20

Sex? female

What is your degree subject (both if joint)? Social Care and Social Policy

Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking? Yes

If so, how? And if not, why not? Being Bad is relate to social care because it analyse the behaviour in society which may sometimes be bad.

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level? An appropriate level

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate? Yes

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? Yes, Racism

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? Yes

What did you think of the module team? Quiet Good

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions? Yes
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole? No really
Information and talk from lecturers? Yes

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module? YES, very good

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? yes

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module? alot

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? yes

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2?don’t know yet

Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?yes

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea? Yes, help to express our selves

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)? No, 2 were good

What have you learned from the module? I have learn to give my opinion about a lot of subject, normally I don’t like to express my opinion but it feels good to say what we think.

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? The web blog because it help us to express our self.

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why? Smoking because we all know it is bad for the health, lol.

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’? no, for me everything was good

Last Thought

I have decided to give my opinion about this module as my last entry. I have enjoyed this module. First of all because I have felt free to give my opinion about the entire subject we have seen. Even on the taboos subject like masturbation. And it’s good to share opinion with all of you because we are all different and we all see things differently. About the web blog, I have struggle about my links, it doesn’t come right but I have try everything but still the same way, hope I am not going to loose my grade because of that, lol. But I like the idea of the web blog, like I said, it help us to express our self about the entire subject whom may be hard to discuss with family or friends. About Being Bad, I think we all acting bad every day of our life, but for small thing like smoking or eating things we know it is bad for our health, swearing …
good link about some of being bad sublect:http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,21630780-17063,00.html

Sunday, 6 May 2007

comment 3 to http://balebale88.blogspot.com/

I totally agree with you in the subject "being too religious". You have said that "I don’t agree with preaching in streets and town, because in today’s society everybody is aware of the different religions and if they are interested about a ‘faith – change’ then they can research and ask people as to how to go about it". It is true that it is too annoying when you are doing your shopping or you are with your friends when one person come to preach you all about his religious or believes.I am a born Christian girl and i like to pray but the think i don't like about all the religious is that they all think they are better than others religious. But as Jesus has said NOBODY have the right to judge because we don't know what is true. Which is true, we only human, our intelligence are limited.
this comments is a comment from this link: http://balebale88.blogspot.com/


I believe that Shoplifting is no different to any other kind of theft. It doesn't matter how small an item you take and what little value its holds, its still stealing. I think that the majority of people who do shoplift, it is usually for more excitement in their lives.
Some research have show that shoplifting is intensely middle class. People who shoplift are people who are bored or depressed, or who need to airlift themselves out of the calm zone. I remember when I was in primary and high school, if you wanted to be considered one of the cool kids; you were expected to do something crazy as lift something from a store. Which is a bad thing of course but people still do it, shame…

Good link about this sublect is: http://www.beyond-the-pale.co.uk/shoplifting.htm

Friday, 4 May 2007


Swearing can easily become a habit and is normally a terrible habit (e.g. in the Big Brother Celebrity, people use the word FUCK like is normal, but it is very trashy).Usually swearing come by the company we stay with for example our friends.
I admit that I do swear sometimes myself, when I am really hurt or shock but still it is very bad. I can't tolerate it when every other word is a swear word coming out of someone’s mouth, it’s just so rude and nasty.
I believe that parents, big brothers and sisters must be careful to control their swearing tendencies because children follow what they hear, and will also begin swearing. It is true that we can not always avoid swearing in total, there are occasions when even the most mild-mannered person will let go (e.g. for reasons such as hurt, shock or loss).



Thursday, 3 May 2007


For me , I see prostitution as a really bad thing. first of all, people who prostitute shows lack of self respect for themselves. And I believe that people who go for prostitution don't have any respect of human being. Why should someone self his self for money? e.g. The man who go for a prostitute, imagine your dauhgter was doing the same thing as a prostitute with another man. I don't think the man would like that.
However I wouldn't class someone such as an escort as a prostitute, because you are not expected to have sex with the customer.But is it escort a bad thing too? I don't know, what do you think?
But the worst in Prostitution is when there is trafficking, for more information about that this website will help:

comment 2

I totally agree with you, Collymore Lee, in your point of view about "smacking children". My first 10 years, i have been raised in Africa( Rwanda) and there , there isn't any law telling not to smack children. As a child i was smacked all the time i have been a naughty and it hasn't done me no harm. But it is also true that sometimes parents can go too far and harm the child. I have been raise like that so for me it is normal.
The link of the webblog of Collymore Lee is:

Wednesday, 2 May 2007


Is it a bad or good thing to masturbate?
For me, I don't see anything wrong with it. I even think it is a natural and innocent thing to do for pleasing ourselves. But telling the truth i have never try to masturbate my self, until now i don't feel the need to do it. It doesn't mean that I find it bad or disgusting, not at all.My friend(boy) told me that masturbation helps them to improve their performances in sex, get to discover them self better, to know what they like and how best they can get satisfaction.
According to BBC News (online)masturbation helps to cut cancer risk "Men who ejaculated more than five times a week were a third less likely to develop prostate cancer later in life".(http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/3072021.stm)
So go boys, it's good for your health...
website for more information about masturbation:

Tuesday, 1 May 2007


The abuse of alcohol can make one become an alcoholic, which is dangerous. Alcohol not only puts in danger your own life but also others as one can develop an unstable personality and character. When somebody is drunk, he is not himself. Alcohol abuse is a very dangerous reality in Britain. Alcoholism destroys the alcoholic person, i.e. causes health problems, such as liver cirrhosis and also everything in his life (e.g. family life, jobs). Drinking begins to take priority over other activities, which means the person is going to neglect his family, jobs, state of health.
BUPA give a lot of information and solutions about alcoholism in their website which is: http://hcd2.bupa.co.uk/fact_sheets/Mosby_factsheets/alcohol_abuse.html
This website give more information about the consequences of alcoholism, like number of death: http://alcoholism.about.com/b/a/020073.htm